Saturday, April 9th, 2011 Posted in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »Many years ago, my grandfather, Jacob H. Bosscher, wrote his memoirs for his children and grandchildren. Grandpa’s story started back in horse-and-buggy days and involves flu epidemics, budget cutbacks, debt, decades in Rehoboth,New Mexico, and a stint in the New Mexico State Senate. I wanted to make his wonderful story of God’s faithfulness available to my children and grandchildren, so I re-typed Grandpa’s Memoirs and added dozens of photos as well as Grandma’s memoirs and a conclusion written by my Aunt Bea.
If you’d like to purchase your own copy of these memoirs, you can do so by clicking on this link:
Bosscher Reunion 2010
Sunday, August 8th, 2010 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »The Bosscher reunion was held on Saturday, 07 August, in the youth building of the 12th Avenue Christian Reformed Church in Jenison. We gathered to visit with Bob & Deb Skarda, who had traveled “up north” from Atlanta to attend a convention in Chicago. They surprised us by bringing along Karen Rolader and Tom Skarda, also from the Atlanta area!!
A little plug here – Bob Skarda has written a couple of books about early Georgia history. Check out his website:
Thursday, March 12th, 2009 Posted in Bob, Dave | 3 Comments »
From Emily Bosscher (daughter of Rob & Gayle, granddaughter of Bob & Etta): ” I just directed the Music Man at Illiana Christian High School, and had the pleasure of directing Uncle Dave’s Natalie’s granddaughter. (And yeah, Natalie’s son is my principal there as well). I got a couple of pictures of all of us at the play on March 7.”
” Abbi Mantel (Natalie’s granddaughter), myself (Emily Bosscher), Uncle Dave, and Natalie”
“Abbi and myself”
“….myself, Natalie, Uncle Dave, Maggie (Natalie’s granddaughter), Natalie Mantel (Natalie’s daughter), Abbi, and someone I don’t know (I think a former teacher with Natalie)”
Catching Up
Tuesday, December 9th, 2008 Posted in Ada, Art, Dave, Harry, Helen, Howard | 6 Comments »Since the last time we updated this site:
Jairo Solano (husband of Rick & Sue Kuiper’s daughter, Kelly) was sworn in as a citizen of the United States in a ceremony at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids on October 22.
Rick & Sue enjoy a little celebratory tailgating with Jairo and their grandchildren,
Sean and Natasha, after the ceremony
The Solano Family
Jairo & Kelly, Sean, and Natasha
I received this beautiful photo of Aunt Ada’s granddaughter and Tom’s daughter, Holly, and her son Henry.
Holly is a nursing student in Denver.
Harry celebrated his 85th birthday on November 29 with a family dinner.
Left to right: Howard, Harry, Helen, David, Art
Bosscher Bash
Monday, August 11th, 2008 Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »Sunset Manor’s Town Square room was the setting for the “Bosscher Bash” on August 10. We were honored to have Bob & Deb join us from Atlanta, Lyn from Lakeland, and Dave & Rose from Pella.
Thank you so much, Tom & Sheila, for arranging this reunion!
Back row: Dave, Howard, Harry
Front row: Helen, Arthur
Cousins! Bonus points if you can name all of them!
Deb & Bob
Uncle Howard sneaks up on Rose
Carol and Lyn
Mary and Uncle Dave
Uncle Art brought along his friend, Harriet
Rose and David
Sally, Carol, Rose, Joy, Lyn
Bob gives Aunt Helen greetings from his siblings
Jack and Mary
Charlie and Jack
David and Tim
Uncle Art and Bob
Peg & Joe
There was plenty of “Bosscher quailified” chocolate available!
Aunt Doris, Lyn, Sue, Sally, and Tom look through an album of Grandpa and Grandma’s photos, which Aunt Doris painstakingly transferred to a sturdier album. The highlight for many was the discovery of this photo:
Grandma toting a rifle!!!
Aunt Bea’s Prayer
Monday, March 31st, 2008 Posted in Bea | 2 Comments »
The following prayer was written by our dear Aunt Bea and was read at her funeral on
Bea Vanderkolk
DEBORAH, whom you called to serve as Your prophet, a military leader and judge, through whom You led the Israelites to victory over Canaanite forces. RUTH, who moved away from her family and homeland, knowing You were calling her to something new. HANNAH, through whose prayers and faithfulness as a mother You raised up her son to be a leader and judge over Your people. ESTHER grew in understanding of Your call upon her, and at her own peril defended her people. All these, and so many others who were Your servants, kept their eyes on You and persevered to become witnesses to those of us who follow in their footsteps. Let these women continue to be our teachers, O God.
Our day also has heroes of faith. You continue to call men and women to take up Your cross and follow You. It is not always easy, but You have promised to be with each one. Your Word strengthens and sustains. Your love is boundless and unfailing. Help us in our moments of weakness to keep our eyes on the cross of Christ and to remember the price You paid to ransom us from the bondage of our sins. Cleanse our thoughts so that we may grow in all spiritual wisdom and knowledge.
Pour out Your Holy Spirit upon us as we gather here before You. Make us faithful in everything we do and say and think. Strengthen us to run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfecter of our faith. By Your Spirit make us one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world…until Christ shall come again.
We pray this through Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008 Posted in Jay | No Comments »David and Peggy’s daughter Kelly was recently featured on a local television station. Kelly and her husband Jay are the proud owners of Heebeegeebee, a collection of original screen printed tee shirts. Check them out at:
Bosscher Blogs
Monday, January 14th, 2008 Posted in Bob | 1 Comment »Rob & Gayle have a blog for you to check out:
You’ve got to see the flowers they’re growing – gorgeous!!
Katie Waterhouse, Rob & Gayle’s daughter, also shares with us her blog’s address:
Her sisters, Beth and Emily, and brother Bob, each have blogs, too, and can be accessed off of Katie’s.
Harry Bosscher and Family
Monday, January 7th, 2008 Posted in Harry | 5 Comments »This photo was taken at Harry’s 84th birthday party in late November.
Back row: Peggy, Tom, Bette, Joy
Front row: Gail, “H.B.”, Bev